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Reinventing Traditional

MLM Systems

Our client aimed to create an innovative MLM crypto platform that could navigate the complex landscape of regulatory concerns, reputation issues, and pyramid scheme accusations.This case study delves into how iMeta played a pivotal role in addressing these challenges and the emphasis on legitimate product or service offerings.

Building an MLM crypto platform came with a unique set of challenges. Regulatory concerns loomed large, given the often ambiguous legal status of cryptocurrencies.

Reputation was a critical concern, as the MLM industry had faced negative perceptions due to pyramid schemes. Moreover, pyramid scheme accusations were a legal and reputational threat that needed to be addressed.

Regulatory compliance became a top priority, ensuring that the platform adhered to evolving cryptocurrency and MLM regulations.

Transparency was integrated into the core of the platform, offering a clear and honest presentation of the business model. The emphasis was shifted towards legitimate product or service offerings, moving away from the pyramid-style recruitment tactics.

By prioritizing regulatory compliance, transparency, and legitimate product offerings, we successfully bolstered the platform's reputation and reduced legal risks, which, in turn, attracted more users and customers, leading to increased sales and revenue.

Lower legal costs freed up resources for business growth and development, while the ethical approach and legitimate offerings fostered a loyal network of distributors, ensuring the platform's sustainability and expansion. iMeta's holistic solutions have reshaped the MLM crypto landscape, aligning it with trust, integrity, and profitability.


Our Expertise

Blockchain Technologies

Our deep understanding of blockchain extends to public and private networks, consensus algorithms, and smart contract development. We have hands-on experience with Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polkadot, and more.

Web3 Solutions

iMeta excels in creating Web3 solutions that seamlessly integrate blockchain technology. Our proficiency covers decentralized applications (dApps), NFT platforms, DeFi, and more, all designed to harness the power of a decentralized future.


We leverage a multitude of frameworks and tools, including Truffle, Hardhat, and Drizzle, to streamline development processes and ensure the robustness of our projects.