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Start a DAO platform

iMeta, a game changer in blockchain solutions, is here to guide you on your journey to establishing your very own DAO.

Our DAO services

DAO Voting Platform

Our state-of-the-art DAO voting platform is designed to facilitate efficient and transparent decision-making within your organization. It allows members to propose, discuss, and vote on various initiatives, ensuring the collective wisdom of the community shapes your DAO's future.

DAO App Development

In today's mobile-centric world, it's essential to have a dedicated DAO app. iMeta specializes in developing mobile applications that offer an immersive and user-friendly experience for your members. Access to your DAO is just a tap away.

DAO Smart Contract Development

Smart contracts are the building blocks of your DAO. Our team of expert developers specializes in creating smart contracts that govern various aspects of your organization. Whether it's token management, voting protocols, or escrow services, we've got you covered.

DAO Management Software

iMeta's DAO management software simplifies the administration and operation of your decentralized organization. It includes tools for member onboarding, proposal management, fund allocation, and more. Our intuitive interface ensures that even non-technical users can effectively oversee DAO activities.

DAO Infrastructure

The backbone of any successful DAO lies in its infrastructure. We provide robust, scalable, and secure infrastructure solutions that ensure uninterrupted operation. This includes hosting, server setup, and network security tailored to your specific needs.

Utility and Governance Token Development

Tokens are the lifeblood of your DAO, and we offer comprehensive token development services. This includes the creation of utility tokens for transactional purposes and governance tokens that empower members to influence decisions.

How we develop DAO

Conceptualization and Strategy

iMeta will work closely with you to understand your organization's goals and objectives. We'll help you identify how a DAO can benefit your organization, ensuring your vision aligns with the blockchain's principles.

Smart Contract Development

Our team of expert developers will create the smart contracts that govern your DAO. These contracts will outline the rules and processes that enable decentralized decision-making.

User-Friendly Interface

We will build an intuitive platform for your users to engage with the DAO. A user-friendly interface ensures that participation is accessible to all members, irrespective of their technical expertise.

Security and Compliance

Security is paramount. Our experts will conduct thorough audits of your smart contracts to ensure they are free from vulnerabilities. We'll also provide advice on legal compliance, ensuring your DAO adheres to relevant regulations.

Choosing the Right Blockchain

Selecting the appropriate blockchain is crucial. iMeta will advise you on the most suitable blockchain platform based on your specific requirements. Whether it's Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, or others, we've got you covered.

Tokenomics and Token Creation

iMeta will guide you in designing the tokenomics of your DAO, including creating and distributing tokens. Tokens often serve as voting rights and financial incentives, so it's essential to get this right.

Governance Model

With iMeta's assistance, you'll establish a governance model tailored to your organization's needs. We offer guidance on how voting, proposals, and decision-making processes should be structured.

Launch and Beyond

Once everything is in place, we will assist you in launching your DAO. Our support doesn't end there. iMeta will stand by you, providing ongoing maintenance, upgrades, and support as your DAO evolves.


DAO Use Cases

Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

DAOs enable users to collectively manage and make decisions about lending, borrowing, liquidity provision, and yield farming. It governs protocols, sets interest rates, and votes on changes.

Venture Capital and Fundraising

DAOs can pool resources from token holders and make investment decisions collectively. This approach is used for venture capital funding, allowing decentralized decision-making in investment choices.

Non-Profit Organizations

Charitable organizations can utilize DAOs for transparent fund management and decision-making on how donations should be allocated.

Supply Chain and Logistics

DAOs can enhance transparency and efficiency in supply chain management. Stakeholders can collaborate to validate and verify goods' authenticity and track their movement from origin to destination.

Decentralized Autonomous Ecosystems

Entire ecosystems can be governed by DAOs, such as cities, neighborhoods, or online gaming communities. Decisions on infrastructure, services, and rules are made collectively.

Token-Based Incentive Programs

DAOs can be employed to distribute rewards and incentives to token holders, users, or contributors based on predefined rules and community consensus.

Gamified Governance

Some projects use DAOs to make governance and decision-making more engaging by incorporating gamification elements, rewarding active participation and contributions.

Governance in Cryptocurrencies

Many blockchain projects and cryptocurrencies employ DAOs to make decisions about network upgrades, funding allocation, and protocol changes. For example, Ethereum uses DAOs for governance decisions.

Content Curation and Moderation

DAOs can curate content and moderate online platforms. Users can collectively decide on content promotion, demotion, and the rules governing the platform.

Decentralized Autonomous Collectives

Artists, musicians, or creators can form DAOs to collectively manage their work, distribute profits, and make creative decisions as a community.

Decentralized Identity Management

DAOs can play a role in decentralized identity systems, allowing individuals to have control over their personal data and manage who has access to it.

Collective Decision-Making

Any group that needs to make collective decisions, whether it's a club, association, or project team, can use a DAO to manage resources and reach consensus on actions and expenditures.

Decentralized Autonomous Research

Academic or research organizations can establish DAOs to manage research funds, select projects, and allocate resources based on collective agreement.

Property Management

Real estate and property management DAOs can enable collective decisions on property acquisition, maintenance, and rental income distribution.

Agriculture and Food Supply

DAOs can be used to improve transparency and fairness in food supply chains, particularly for fair trade and sustainable agriculture initiatives.